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At Amplify, we adopt considered, conscious decision making to create ideas that move culture forward with positive and long-lasting impact.
Our work-in-progress mentality means we aim to improve the impact we have on our people, the wider cultural landscape our work exists within and the planet we live on.
Questioning the little things every day to constantly innovate and find the inch of improvement that adds up to something bigger.
Our industry is often criticised for its negative impact, and challenged for its lack of actionable solutions to improve the environmental, social or cultural value of its work. We want to change that. As a leading global agency and certified B Corporation, we know we have an opportunity and the potential to create positive change. But we also know we can’t do it alone.
As a supplier of Amplify, we ask you to commit to:
We ask all our suppliers to complete our supplier audit questionnaire as part of our new supplier set up process. This can be viewed here.
Our environmental memo provides on-site guidance to work towards achieving our environmental mission to challenge the status-quo to make more informed, sustainable decisions as standard. This can be viewed here.
Measuring our environmental impact has the power to transform behaviours and influence the way projects are delivered in the future.
We focus on accurate and targeted carbon and waste data-tracking to help build learnings to continually reduce our impact ensuring accountability, transparency and continual improvement. As part of this, you may be asked to provide information on production, travel and transport, food and energy. This will help us to report the most accurate carbon impact; the report can then be shared with you to help build learnings for future projects.
The Amplify team will share further information and templates if relevant for this project.
As a certified B Corporation, our Responsible Business Policy maps out our commitment to all our stakeholders across our People, Cultural and Environmental missions.
Each mission includes specific commitments aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These are connected to tangible key performance indicators (KPIs) that are measured and monitored as part of our action plan to help transition our practices across our business operations, client projects and employee behaviours.
For more information on our Responsible Business Policy or this Supplier Code of Conduct, please contact