Words by Yasmin Arrigo + Sean Arrigo,
Global Editorial Director + Trends Editor, Amplify.

Becoming a worldbuilder is not only about stepping into worlds that are seemingly inaccessible to those like yourself...

It’s also about using your presence in that world to make others’ lives better as a result. Not many people would be willing to continue to battle on as Ruth Bader Ginsburg did after decades and decades of adversity. Working her way up the legal ladder to the position of Supreme Court Judge at the time of her passing, her ascension is a story of its own. But rather than focus on RBG’s personal achievements, we want to focus on just some of the monumental changes she was responsible for. Shaping the world to become a more positive place for so many marginalised
groups made RBG a unique kind of worldbuilder, but a worldbuilder all the same.

Whether we begin with her endless work to preserve a woman’s right to choose through Roe v Wade or her continuous push towards demanding equal pay for
women in the workplace, her passing raised serious concerns about laws she stood so strongly to protect. Placing the needs of her nation over the wants – which would’ve certainly see her have an easier ride – we hope that Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy continues to live out, giving freedom of the world to many more marginalised groups she fought so hard to empower.