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34% believe brands should be leading the way when it comes to saving the planet.
But only 1 in 5 worry about the ethical implications of what they bought and 1 in 4 worried about the environmental implications. So maybe in order to make changes in the industry more young people need to understand that their stories do not end at the label, but go all the way through the supply chain.
It seems the appetite to buy is still there despite young people ‘tightening their belts’ as their wage growth slows and rent/housing costs increase. 32% prefer to shop online than in stores making the dopamine hit of ‘buying’ available 24/7. The young Aussies we spoke to consistently vocalised their intention to be more conscientious about how they shopped, but this does not seem to have translated into action when dealing with fashion.2/3
want to experience a product before they buy.
of out audience calue experience over material things.
prefer to shop online rather than in stores.
of our audience admit they buy things to make themselves feel better.
But conversely 41%
feel guilty about buying things they don't need.
Only 1/5
worry about the ethical implications of what they bought.
are worried about the environmental implications of consumerism.